Laura Lu is a new edition to the team, but no stranger to this space. She began as a student here in 2008. After a move from Vancouver she was thrilled the continue the practice she began in 2001. The Bikram series was her introduction to yoga. She would go on to earn her 200hr YTT through In Balance Yoga in 2017. Next, vinyasa trainings totaling nearly 100 hours and 50 hours kundalini training. When Covid shut down the world she took the opportunity to tackle another 200 hour YTT through Vikasa Thailand online. Shortly after she fell in love with Buti yoga and earned her certification in Summer 2021. She is a true Butisattva! “The music, the rhythm, the energy are enough to set anyone’s soul on fire.” Most recently Laura Lu studied with the International Barre Association.
Laura also owns her own hair salon, Laura Lu. When she isn’t behind her chair, she is in the studio or raising her amazing daughter. When the weather is right, you will also find her on her paddle board. Maybe even anchored in a bay somewhere doing SUP yoga.
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