
(250) 338-1138


362D 10th Street, Courtenay, BC, V9N 1P5


The studio is open 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after each class, and closed during class. You can review this on our schedule.


We have 3 dedicated and sign-posted spots directly in front of the studio, 2 dedicated and sign-posted spots in the parking lot behind United Floors and lots of free parking on 10th Street. After hours (generally after 5:00pm), parking is allowed in any of United Floors’ parking spots and any other parking spot not signposted as “No Parking 24 Hrs” or “No Parking at Anytime” located in either of the parking lots mentioned above.

Inquire Online

Have a question, comment or suggestion for us? Need assistance logging into your account or booking online for a class? Need to make a VOD class request? Please let us know using the form below.